Symptoms & Diagnosis

The symptoms lists below have been culled and summarized from current diagnostic criteria most commonly used in the United States by mental health professionals. Read through the list below to confirm your nerd status. You’re most likely a nerd if you present at least four of the following behaviors:

These are some of the most common indicators of being a nerd. Not presenting any of the above behaviors isn’t a guarantee that you are not a nerd. Likewise, you may present the above behaviors and not be a nerd. This list will be expanded upon as our research comes along.

This symptoms list is for personal use in education or research only. Duplication or reproduction of these lists in any form is prohibited. This listing is not meant to replace professional advice, diagnosis, or care from a licensed mental health practioner; its sole intent is for patient education. If you believe you may be suffering from nerdism, please consult a mental health professional.