About Us
The StopNerds Foundation was founded in 2011 by two former victims of the nerd disease. Since its inception, the organization has grown to become the world’s leading nerd science and advocacy group, dedicated to funding prevention and treatment research, while increasing awareness of the disease. We are proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish and look forward to continued successes in the years ahead.

Michael (co-founder)
Michael, born 1991, is a web designer and philanthropist from Melbourne, Australia. He first realized he was a nerd after spending his entire summer holiday trying to compile Banshee. Having switched to a MacBook Pro with Retina display in 2012 and acquiring a real-life girlfriend, he has made a full recovery from Nerdistic Behaviour Disorder. Michael now spends his time promoting awareness of the disorder and helping the friends and family of those infected.

Frank (co-founder)
Frank, born 1994, is a physics student who lives above the Arctic Circle in the beautiful city of Tromsø, Norway. After suffering from Nerdistic Behaviour Disorder for many years, he finally cured his illness in 2012 after purchasing a MacBook Pro. "I could not believe it," he said. "Merely a week after buying my new laptop, I suddenly find myself in bed with no less than two pretty girls. I now spend my time doing mentally healthy things like having sex and reading books, instead of playing Minecraft and compiling new Linux kernels late at night."

Julie (volunteer)
Julie, born 1995, is a former Minecraft streamer and GNU Project member living in Boston. After realising that she could barely connect to a Wi-Fi network without recompiling her kernel, she came to the realisation that she suffered from severe mental and physical issues. After being introduced to StopNerds.org by a psychologist, she made much-needed changes to her life and eventually cured herself of the disease. Julie is now the proud owner of a 13" Macbook Air and an iPhone 6 Plus, and can often be found at coffee shops sporting her new laptop and living an ordinary life.
Since its inception, the organization has grown to become the world’s leading nerd science and advocacy group, dedicated to funding prevention and treatment research, while increasing awareness of the disease. We are proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish and look forward to continued successes in the years ahead.
To learn more our awareness, fundraising, science, and advocacy efforts, or if you would like to make a donation, you can contact us at:
The StopNerds Foundation c/o StopNerds.orgPO Box 5203
Mordialloc, VIC 3195