Are you a nerd?
You could be suffering from a serious mental illness. Take the test
Who are we?
The StopNerds Foundation is a collaboration of volunteers, concerned parents, and professional medical associations working together to promote nerd awareness, share information on the disease, and provide greater access to help. Learn more about who we are and what we do.
What is a nerd?
Nerdistic Behaviour Disorder (often misdiagnosed as autism) is a complex developmental disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world around them. Nerds are typically associated with OSSA (open source software addiction) and male betaness. Are you a nerd? Take the test and find out.
What is autism?
Experts agree that autism, for the most part, is a made up disorder by the extreme left. Studies show that in reality, only 5% of those diagnosed with autism actually have the disorder. The other 95% are lied to by their parents and the MSM complex; "autism" is usually a mere symptom of a legitimate curable mental disorder known as Nerdistic Behaviour Disorder. Learn more about autism.